Annual General Meeting

Many organisations, including public limited companies, some charities, certain limited companies, member organisations and public interest organisations, are required by their governing documents or statute to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM).

As the name suggests, these are held every year and carry out such business as the election of the board of directors (or individual directors), presentation of accounts and to inform their members of previous and future activities.

It is an opportunity for the shareholders and interested parties to receive copies of the company’s report and accounts, as well as reviewing performance over the past year and asking any questions about the direction the organisation will take in the future. It is the chief opportunity to hold the organisation and its management team to account.

Bridgehouse provides a range of AGM services to help ensure your meeting runs smoothly.

Our AGM support services

You may only convene one Annual General Meeting (AGM) a year but we typically organise a number on behalf of our clients – so for us, the preparation involved is second nature.

Working hand in hand with third parties such as registrars, we provide AGM support in relation to venue management, drafting all required paperwork, shareholder communications, arranging voting and ballots on the day and appropriate recording of the meeting (minutes) to ensure your AGM is legally compliant and runs as smoothly as possible.

Bridgehouse Company Secretaries provides a comprehensive AGM support service that starts well in advance of the meeting itself and does not end until the minutes have been circulated.

Here are some of the ways in which we can help:

Before the Annual General meeting:
  • Venue search ensuring potential venues are comfortable, appropriate and accessible with good transport links
  • Drafting the notice of meeting including any necessary resolutions
  • Drafting the proxy forms and any associated documents
  • Preparing the agenda
  • Making arrangements to obtain electronic voting systems for your meeting to ensure attendee participation is hassle-free, with real-time display of results to all attendees.
  • Drafting the chair’s script
At the Annual General Meeting:

Bridgehouse Company Secretaries can provide as much or as little help as you need on the day itself including:

  • Assistance with the signing in process
  • Assistance with ballots
  • Taking formal minutes of the meeting
After the Annual General Meeting:
  • Circulating minutes to the relevant parties
  • Following up on any passed resolutions for example amendments to articles or other governing documents
  • Filing any required notices or filings with Companies House, The Charities Commission, London Stock Exchange and so on

Electronic General Meetings

The holding of electronic general meetings is becoming increasingly popular as organisations seek to find the best methods to increase stakeholder engagement and strive to improve their corporate governance.

Jimmy Choo plc was the first UK company to hold an electronic AGM in 2016 with the Chairman of the company stating afterwards, “We are very pleased with the outcome of this process, which achieved its aim of broadening shareholder access to our AGM in the most convenient way possible”.

Other benefits of holding general meetings electronically include:
  • Reduced carbon footprint as travel to a given venue is not necessary
  • Increased quality of debate in Q &A sessions by allowing a broader demographic of attendees
  • Increased control of the meeting
  • Visibility on who is attending meetings
  • Easier member authentication
  • Improvement of stakeholder perception through efficient use of modern technology
  • Real-time management reporting
  • Customised instant results screen
  • Time savings – members and Board
  • Potential cost savings – travel, venue, catering

We will guide and support you through the process culminating in holding your general meetings electronically.

Our service include:

  • Establishment of benefits of changing the way general meetings are held
  • Explaining the necessary procedural steps including that of changing the organisation’s articles of association to enable the holding of general meetings electronically
  • Board briefing notes and member communication
  • Sourcing of the provider of the necessary technology and obtaining a proposal document for your consideration and approval
  • Preparation of an implementation timetable and action list
  • All steps to putting the proposed change in the articles of association to the members, including drafting the necessary amendments to the articles, the preparation for and attendance at such members meeting and necessary filings at Companies House
  • Organisation of a rehearsal electronic AGM

All necessary steps leading up to, attendance at and following the AGM contained within the paragraph above ‘Our AGM support services’ 

If you would like to find out more about our AGM support services, please get in touch.